How to Grow and Care for Peas in Containers
Intro: Peas are a great cool-weather crop for a kitchen garden, but if you have a hankering for peas in warmer weather, make sure to get a heat-resistant pea variety. Choose English peas (to eat only the seeds), snow peas or snap peas (the pod and seeds can be eaten). Use a trellis, branches or sticks tied together, and guide the vines upward. They are great container plants that produce food in a short span of time.
Scientific Name: Pisum sativum
Plant Type: Annual vegetable, although the pea pods are technically a fruit
Light: Full sun
Water: When it comes to watering, provide constantly moist potting soil that’s never soggy. After the flowers begin to bloom, make sure you provide enough water for the peas to develop well.
Zone: Hardiness depends on the pea variety. Purchase a pea variety that will thrive in your climate.
Fertilizer: Use low-nitrogen fertilizer; too much nitrogen will result in low yields with small or no peas inside of the pods. Compost tea is also beneficial once or twice during the growing season.
Pests and Diseases: Insect pests include the pea leaf weevil, slugs, snails and aphids. Also watch for powdery mildew and root rot.
Propagation: Plant seeds outside (1 inch deep) five weeks before the last expected frost. To save the seeds of this vegetable, let some pods mature on the plant. Once the vegetable plant dies and the pod dries, crack open the pod and save the dried peas inside. You’ll know when the pods are ready because they will turn brown, and the peas inside will rattle if the pod is shaken. If saving the peas inside to plant next growing season, dry them outside of the pod for an extra day or two. Then put them in bags and storing them in a cool, dry place so you can sow them in plant containers later.
Misc. Info: Peas will be ready to harvest about three weeks after flowers bloom – about 55 to 70 days after seeds germinate. Pick young pods, as they taste best at this time.
Peas not only delicious – these vegetable plants are also high in iron, and vitamin A and C.