3 Garden Dangers for Cats
Cats love to come outside when balcony container gardeners are working on or checking up on the plants. They love to smell the smells, watch passers-by, chase bugs or just bask in the sun. Balcony gardeners love to spend their outdoor time with their cats, and to keep your cat and other animals safe, you’ll need to keep a few things in mind.
3 Balcony Dangers for Cats
1. Poisonous plants: Always supervise your cat when she is in the garden, as she may eat one of the many container plants you may keep. (There are poisonous indoor plants, too.) Many cats never try to eat plants (they may like to play with certain ones), so get to know your cat and her level of curiosity. If you have the type of cat that tries to eat anything that can fit in her mouth, keep a close eye on her.
2. Insects: Dangerous insects, such as bees and poisonous spiders, can sting or bite your cat if she likes to chase insects. You also want to make sure your cat is up-to-date on all of her shots, and that she has flea and tick medicine that will keep parasitic insects away.
3. Birds are in danger: Also be aware if any birds come to your balcony garden because your cat might hunt them. In the blink of an eye, your cat can kill a bird that comes to visit your birdfeeder. Wild birds can carry internal parasites and diseases that can be transferred to your cat.
There are always unforeseeable dangers with pets. Your cat could leap off a balcony or run down stairs (if stairs are connected to your balcony), so always keep an eye on your furry friend outside and never leave her unattended. Probably the most real danger you’re likely to encounter is that your cat will never want to come back inside!