How to Grow and Care for the String of Beads Plant in Containers
Intro: The string of beads plant, aka string of pearls or gooseberry plant, is perfect succulent plant for hanging plant containers or for use as ground cover. It has interesting cylindrical leaves and blooms with white flowers. There are two popular string of beads plant species, Senecio herreanus and S. roleyanus. Senecio herreanus has larger leaves. The string of beads plant cannot always be found at your local garden shop, so you may have to do some searching to find it.
Scientific Name: Senecio herreanus and S. rowleyanus
Plant Type: Succulent plant
Light: Bright indirect light
Water: Let the potting soil dry out slightly between waterings. Do not overwater, as this succulent plant is prone to rot if provided with too much water.
Zone: Zones 9 to 12
Temperature: Do not let the string of beads plant be exposed to balcony garden temperatures below 45 degrees Fahrenheit.
Fertilizer: Use a liquid fertilizer in spring and possibly a second time in summer.
Pests and Diseases: This the string of beads plant is not prone to garden pests and diseases, but it can get fungus, aphids, mealy bugs, and cochineal scale insects.
Propagation: Propagate the string of beads plant by taking cuttings. Cut off at least 4 inches of the stem tips near a node, and then plant them in moist potting mix. Keep the string of beads plant cuttings lightly moist until they have become established.
Misc. Info: For the string of beads plant, use potting soil mixes made for cacti.