How to Grow and Care for the Snapdragon Flower in Containers
Intro: Also known as the dragon flower, snapdragons are small but fragrant flowers that are easy to grow in plant containers. Snapdragon flowers are colorful and dominant, often having so many blooms that the plant's foliage below is hidden. Snapdragon flowers come in many varieties, including dwarf (8 inches tall) to tall ones (3 feet) and in an array of colors, including pastel colors, reds, pinks, yellows and even bicolored flowers. These beautiful flowers can be cut and displayed indoors.
Scientific Name: Antirrhinum species
Plant Type: Perennial flower (usually grown as an annual)
Light: Full sun to light shade
Water: When it comes to watering snapdragon flowers, keep its potting soil moist but not soggy.
Zone: Hardy from zones 6 to 10. Snapdragon flowers do not do well in hot temperatures, and snapdragon plants will bloom in the cooler temperatures of spring and fall.
Fertilizer: Fertilize snapdragon flowers once a month with an all-purpose fertilizer.
Pests and Diseases: Aphids, mites, caterpillars, leafminers, mealybugs, slugs and snails are among the pests you may discover on your snapdragons. You may also see leaf spot, mildew, mold, rust and other diseases. Snapdragon flowers are sensitive to root rot, so provide well-draining potting soil.
Propagation: Grow snapdragon flowers from seed. Snapdragon germination can take up to three weeks, so start seeds indoors about two months before the last expected frost. Two months after the snapdragon seeds sprout, transplant the strongest seedlings into plant containers outdoors. Don’t transplant any snapdragon flowers that already have buds – these most likely will not survive the transplant.
Misc. Info: Snapdragon flowers will bloom in late spring. Once hot summer temperatures come around, leave your snapdragon plants alone – they will bloom again in the fall.
To keep your snapdragon flower blooming, deadhead any spent flowers.
The snapdragon flower gets its name from the shape of its flower. It resembles a dragon face that opens and closes its mouth if squeezed (the "snap" refers to the dragon’s bite). The plant's scientific name, on the other hand, means "like a nose" in Ancient Greek, referring to the shape of the mature seed capsule. The snapdragon flower's seed capsule, though, tends to look more like a human skull. What’s the translation for "human skull" in Ancient Greek?