
How to Grow and Care for the Vase Plant in Containers

Rana guzmania bromeliad

Intro: The vase plant, with its dark green foliage and interesting red blooms, is known to be a difficult container plant to grow for beginner gardeners. The vase plant's showy blooms last up to three months.


10 Culinary Herbs for the Container Garden

Basil The following 10 container plants can do double-duty in a small-space garden: They are herbs that can create a beautiful garden space on an urban balcony as well as provide fresh herbs for cooking.


Pumpkin Plants on the Balcony

Pumpkin flowerAlthough balcony container gardeners don’t have enough space to grow prize-winning pumpkins for their county fair or perfectly round pumpkins for carving jack-o-lanterns, small-space container gardeners can grow pumpkin plants for another reason: flowers.


Five More Easy Container Plants

Try these five easy plants in your home or outside in the garden. Even if you have a black thumb, you can still succeed with peace lily flowers, jade plants, English ivy, lucky bamboo and poppy flowers.


5 Low-Maintenance House Plants

Some apartment gardeners really appreciate house plants because the small gardening space outdoors is just not enough! Want a lot of luscious plants indoors without doing a lot of work or using grow lights? Here are 5 low-maintenance house plants that will brighten up your décor without lengthening your already long list of chores.


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