General Gardening

10 Great Gifts for Garden Lovers

If you need help creating a gift list this holiday season, either for yourself or a fellow garden-lover, check out these 10 hot container gardening products that balcony gardeners would love to open on Christmas day. To learn more about each plant care product, click the link or photo to go to


Halloween Pumpkins and the Compost Bin

Wolf pumpkin carving jackolanternAt Halloween, many people carve pumpkins and end up throwing them away after the holiday has passed. After the holiday, the carved pumpkins will begin to mold and decompose. While this is not desirable for people who want to display jack-o-lanterns, rotting pumpkin flesh is a wonderful food to add to a worm bin in order to create compost.


Must-Haves for the Gardener’s Library

These books are a must-have for a balcony container gardener's bookshelf. Click on each book’s title or photo to visit and learn more.


Easy Worm Bin Compost Tea Recipe

The best thing you can ever do for your container plants is to give them compost tea from your vermicomposting bin. Compost tea is cheap and simple, and it will make your plants explode with growth.


Fertilizer Types for Your Garden

Plant fertilizerThere are two basic types of fertilizers: organic and inorganic. Organic fertilizers are derived from living organisms, and it adds texture to the potting soil. Bacteria and fungi in the soil break down organic fertilizer so that the plants can slowly but steadily take up the nutrition from the fertilizer. Inorganic fertilizer, on the other hand, delivers more nutrients more quickly to the plants, but it does not improve the potting soil like organic fertilizers do.


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