General Gardening

How Much Water and How Often?

Pothos plantHow much and how many times a week should I water my golden pothos plant?


Tips for Creating a Thriving Indoor Garden

Indoor garden fluorescent lightsIf you’re one of the apartment gardeners who does not have enough light outside to grow sun-loving plants, you may want to try growing plants indoors. You can also start seeds indoors and move their containers outside once they are established.


How to Harvest Tomatoes and Tomato Seeds

Harvesting tomatoesAfter your tomato plants have had their growth spurt and flower, they will begin to produce fruit. But when should you pick your tomatoes, how should you store them and how can you save tomato seeds for the next gardening season?


Garden Recipe: Home-Grown Salsa

Home-grown salsaYou can make a delicious salsa from a small balcony garden. Nothing tastes better than fresh ingredients picked right from the kitchen garden, prepared and eaten less than 5 minutes later! The best part is that you can make your salsa your own. Make it super spicy or super mild, add as much garlic or onion as you want, and you can prepare it and make it fresh throughout the gardening season. So why not devote a corner of your garden to a salsa garden?


15 Plants for Butterfly Gardens

Butterfly on Marigold FlowerButterflies are beautiful insects in the order Lepidoptera that many gardeners actively attract to their container gardens due to their beautiful wings, interesting flight patterns and interesting life cycle (egg, larva, pupa and adult). Some gardeners plant butterfly gardens to try and see many different butterfly species. Some butterflies migrate and can be seen only parts of the year.


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