General Gardening
Baby Food Garden
If you have a green thumb and don’t want to spend a lot of extra money on organic baby food, you may want to try creating a baby food garden in your backyard or balcony container garden. Babies will eat a variety of foods from the garden, so why not try making some homemade organic baby food!
All You Need to Know About Planting Zones
When you know the planting zones of your area, you can make smart container plant choices for your apartment garden. Use the hardiness map (click here for a larger version) by locating where you live and matching the color with the chart to the left of the average annual extreme minimum temperature in that area.
Identifying and Treating Root Rot
Unfortunately, plant root damage isn’t visible until the damage has become so great that it affects the above-ground portion of your container plant. Root rot is one common root problem, caused by fungus that thrives in overwatered potting soil.
6 Easy Steps to Sterilizing Potting Soil
Weeds, fungi, diseases and other unwanted pathogens in previously used potting soil can harm your container plants in the next growing season. Many living things in the garden soil are actually beneficial for your container plants, including bacteria, fungi, worms, insects and more. These living things break down nutrients in the soil so plants are able to use them. But in addition to beneficial living things, some diseases and pathogens can live in your soil for a long time, waiting around until they can infect your next batch of crops.
FAQs About Watering Plants
Question: What is the best time of the day to water plants? I live in Sydney, Australia, and sometimes it gets really hot. See answer>>