How to Grow and Care for the Bleeding Heart Plant in Containers
Intro: Bleeding heart plants have ferny leaves that grow in a basal rosette form, and their dangling heart-shaped flowers bloom on leafless stalks. Their unique pink or white flowers are what give this plant its common name of bleeding heart. Blooms will appear in late spring to early summer and will last for several weeks (after which the foliage will begin to lose some of its attractiveness). Flowers of the old-fashioned bleeding heart (Dicentra spectabilis) look most like hearts, while other flowers can have different shapes. The best bleeding heart plant species for plant containers is the smaller Dicentra formosa, which grows from 9 inches to 1.5 feet tall. Gardeners with shady balcony gardens should try this plant, especially if they have morning sun.
Scientific Name: Dicentra species
Plant Type: Perennial plant
Light: Provide your bleeding heart plant with partial shade and morning sun.
Water: Plant the bleeding heart plant in well-draining potting soil and let it dry out slightly between waterings.
Zone: Zones 3 to 8
Fertilizer: Feed the bleeding heart plant regularly with compost or very weak fertilizers.
Pests and Diseases: If leaf spot appears, cut away the affected leaves. Also do not let it sit in wet soil, as which may cause root rot.
Propagation: Propagate the bleeding heart plant by seed, division or taking cuttings.
Misc. Info: All parts of the bleeding heart plant plant are poisonous. If you have sensitive skin, wear gardening gloves when working with this container plant, as it may be irritating. If your balcony garden gets hot during the summer, you will have a hard time keeping this plant. The bleeding heart can be sensitive to insecticides and fertilizers, so avoid sprays and a lot of nutrient-rich fertilizer. Do not prune or deadhead flowers, since the bleeding heart plant will only bloom once. Trim the foliage back once it begins losing its attractiveness.