General Gardening
Plant Fact Sheets

Preventing and Treating Plant Leaf Scorch/Tip Burn
If your leaves of your container plants develop dry, brown tips, you probably are witnessing leaf scorch or tip burn. There are a few causes of this problem, so you must determine the cause of the leaf scorch before attempting to fix the problem in your garden.
Mushrooms: A Product of Overwatering
The sight of mushrooms popping out of your potting soil might make you a little uneasy. You may have some questions about them. What are these mushrooms? Where did they come from? Will they hurt your container plants? And how can you get rid of these mushrooms?
How to Create a Hydroponic Growing Aquarium
Growing plants hydroponically is a method of growing plants in water with no potting soil. The best and most simple way to begin growing plants hydroponically (other than purchasing an Aerogarden) is to set up a growing aquarium indoors under a light bulb (if you don’t get much sun inside) or next to a bright, southern-facing window. You can grow fresh herbs and vegetables to use in the kitchen, so if you have any space on the kitchen counter, a growing aquarium will fit in perfectly.
7 Steps to Vermicomposting
Having a compost bin on an apartment balcony is completely doable. You don’t need a big yard or a big budget to create compost. Follow these instructions and find a cheap, green way to provide fertilizer to your plants.