
How to Grow and Care for the Never-Never Plant in Containers

Never-Never plant Ctenanthe

Intro: The never-never plant is an evergreen perennial is native to southeastern Brazil and does best in warm air and soil. It is a popular houseplant kept in indoor gardens (because of its need of warm temperatures), but it can be kept outside in the balcony garden in warmer climates during part of the year. The never-never plant has leathery leaves that can grow to a foot long. The 'Tricolor' cultivar (the most common cultivar) has yellow streaks on the top of its leaves, and the undersides are a deep purple-red.


How to Grow and Care for Eggplant in Containers


Intro: Eggplant, which is perhaps most famous for the prominent role it plays in eggplant parmesan, is not only an easy vegetable to grow, but it is also a beautiful addition to a container garden. The most common eggplant variety is the long purple fruit, but eggplant also comes in globes, teardrops or half-moon shapes, and can be greem, pink, yellow, white and even several colors in one. An eggplant from your container plant garden, if picked and eaten at its peak freshness, will be the most delicious eggplant you’ve ever tasted!


How to Grow and Care for Spearmint in Containers

Spearmint Mentha spicata

Intro: Spearmint is easy to grow and does well in plant containers in shady balcony gardens. Mint leaves (fresh or dry) can be used in mint teas that taste great and aid in digestion (mint tea on a hot day is a wonderful refreshment). The spearmint plant has purple flowers that attract butterflies, wild birds and beneficial insects.


How to Grow and Care for Echeveria in Containers

Echeveria laui

Intro: Echeveria, often called “hens and chicks,” are smaller succulents (less than a foot across), and they are easy container plants to care for in balcony gardens. The leaves grow in rosettes and have different colors and flowers. Some popular Echeveria species that do well in containers are E. glauca and E. laui (called blue Echeveria), E. setosa (firecracker plant), E. derenbergii (painted lady) and E. agavoides.


How to Grow and Care for Jalapeño Peppers in Containers

Jalapeno Capiscum annuum

Intro: Jalapeño peppers are very similar to the bell pepper. In fact, it is the same plant species, both peppers being cultivars, varieties of the same plant bred for specific characteristics. The delicious jalapeño pepper can be used in cooking, and it graces the garden with tiny white flowers and green fruits. These plants grow well in relatively small plant containers, such as 3 gallons or 10 inches, and grow to 3 feet tall.


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